
Tutorial Tuesday: DIY Brush Cleaner

A few years ago I came across a DIY recipe to make your own brush cleaner. I got tired of buying the brush cleaner from the MAC counter because it was just too expensive for how often I was cleaning my brushes. A fellow blogger The Bubbling has posted the same DIY recipe on her blog and I thought I would share it with you.

All you need are a few simple ingredients that you already have around your house.
  • shampoo
  • dish detergent
  • rubbing alcohol
  • water
I have used this recipe before and I have to say its very convenient and it works! Click here for the complete post. The only additional product I use is a leave in conditioner (for your hair) to keep the bristles of your brushes soft. I deep clean my brushes once a week and spot clean them after every use. If you don't, you will see why you should. Your face will break out...I guarantee you.

Couture Tip: If you don't have time to really saturate your brushes for a deep clean and want to spot clean them, I recommend using a makeup remover wipe and simply wipe your brush across it. It will get most pigments off and will dry quicker.

*peace love & couture*

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