
Recession Proof Shopping Sprees

Ladies and gents...I know the recession is nothing new at this point. And if you're anything like me, you don't like having to go backwards. Almost everyone has fillet Mignon taste but now many of us have Burger King budgets. I know it hurts to see things that you used to be able to buy with ease, and now its a struggle. But don't over extend yourself and feel like you have to buy it. Don't try and keep up with the Joneses. Be the same fabulous you...just on a budget.

A lot of my friends call me spoiled and a label whore...Ok...I am. But I know how to bargain shop and I know a good deal when I see one. My main concern is quality. Am I really getting what I'm paying for. So I pay for quality, not the name.

I recently went to H&M and I was thoroughly surprised. A lot of trendy discount stores are stepping their game up and emulating looks in higher end stores. They know that people want the same looks in the high end stores but can't afford them. I got 2 dresses, a skirt, 3 sweaters and 2 blouses for $215. I think that's awesome! All pieces are interchangeable and can be worn different ways. All pieces have clean lines and are classic and will carry over for seasons to come.

Now I don't recommend buying everything from these discount stores. Sometimes its worth it to spend more money on certain items. But if you're trying out a new trend or just stepping out of your comfort zone, don't spend a whole bunch of money. You never know if you're going to hate it.

Some of my fave stores right now to find inexpensive inspiration duplications are: Forever21, H&M, TwelvebyTwelve and ForLove21 (accessories).

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