
LAMB Moment! Kim Kardashian

I know there are many men and women that hate her....BUT I LOVE HER! You can say what you want about her but I think she's great. Anyway...Ms. Kim Kardashian is my next luscious lady up for a LAMB Moment. For those who are not familiar with the term that I have coined or may have forgotten what it means, LAMB stands for "look at me bitch". Its for women who exude the utmost confidence and look stunning and flawless while commanding the attention of all those who survey. Their swag just screams out "LOOK AT ME BITCH".

Ok...back to Kim....I absolutely loved the switch-a-roo she pulled with the blonde wig. I loved it and thought the color was very flattering with her skin tone. Whether its temporary or here to stay its a good look for her. And her resemblance to Jennifer Lopez was uncanning!

Kim...this one is for you.

1 comment:

Shortiee31 said...

Second that - She is a STUNNER!